Everything You Need to Know About Digital Billboard Cost in Pakistan


If you are a business owner in Pakistan, advertising your products or services is essential to attract potential customers. Digital billboards are a great way to grab the attention of your target audience, but the cost of digital billboards in Pakistan can vary greatly. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the factors that influence the cost of digital billboards in Pakistan, with a focus on “digital billboard cost in Pakistan,” and provide you with an estimated cost range.

Factors That Affect Digital Billboard Cost in Pakistan

1. Location

The location of the digital billboard is a significant factor that influences the cost. If your digital billboard is placed in high-traffic areas or busy commercial zones, it will cost more than those in less busy areas. The reason behind this is simple, as more people see your advertisement, the higher the cost of displaying it.

3. Size

The size of the digital billboard is another critical factor that determines the cost. A larger digital billboard will cost more than a smaller one. However, bigger is not always better, as it may not have the desired impact on viewers. In some cases, a smaller billboard may be a more effective option. It is essential to consider your target audience and location when deciding the size of the digital billboard.

3. Type of Display

The type of display used in the digital billboard also affects the cost. LED displays tend to be more expensive than LCD displays. However, LED displays are brighter and more energy-efficient than LCD displays, making them a more popular choice for advertisers.

4. Duration of Ad Display

The duration of your advertisement’s display on the digital billboard also impacts the cost. The longer the display duration, the more you will have to pay. The cost of digital billboards is usually calculated on a per-month basis, so it is essential to consider the length of time you want to display your advertisement.

Average Cost of Digital Billboards in Pakistan

The cost of digital billboards in Pakistan varies depending on the factors mentioned above. However, on average, you can expect to pay between PKR 550,000 to PKR 100,000 per month for a digital billboard in a prime location.

It is important to note that these costs are just estimates and that the actual cost of a digital billboard in Pakistan may vary depending on the location, size, type of display, and duration of ad display. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a professional advertising agency or the billboard owner to get an accurate cost estimate.

Benefits of Digital Billboards

Digital billboards offer several benefits to advertisers. They are eye-catching and can capture the attention of your target audience quickly. Digital billboards are also dynamic, allowing you to change your advertisement’s content as needed. This means you can keep your advertisement up-to-date and relevant to your audience.

Moreover, digital billboards offer better visibility than traditional billboards. They are bright and can be seen from a distance, making them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas. With digital billboards, you can also target specific audiences by displaying your advertisements at different times of the day.

Final Thoughts

Digital billboards are an effective way to promote your brand or product in Pakistan. They are eye-catching, dynamic, and offer better visibility than traditional billboards. However, the cost of digital billboards in Pakistan varies depending on several factors, including location, size, type of display, and duration of ad display.

It is essential to consider these factors before making a decision and to consult with a professional advertising agency or the billboard owner to get an accurate cost estimate. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the digital billboard that is right for your advertising needs and budget.


Billboards Pakistan